How to Be a More Inclusive Leader

The words and actions of a leader can significantly impact whether others feel included. Diverse and inclusive work culture is vital to the performance and success of any business, but figuring out how to make your workplace inclusive so isn’t always an easy task. Diverse thinking leaves room for new ideas and innovations, and inclusion […]
Read MoreStrategic Initiatives vs. Day Job: How to Incorporate Both

A strategic plan involves your entire company — it’s your approach to outlining your goals and determining your vision for your organization’s future. This definition may seem broad, but every business is different, and the strategic plan you create will reflect your team’s unique aspirations. One of the only commonalities in strategic planning is using initiatives […]
Read MoreHow to Create a Team Vision

Your team vision should be a vision statement that applies to everyone, including leaders and employees. This short statement gives the team a clear direction and a purpose — they’re not just coming to work every day, they’re working toward a common goal. Call Us to Learn More 5 Steps to Creating a Team Vision […]
Read MoreHow to Get Out of the Weeds as a Leader

In today’s busy world, many executives and other leaders in business find themselves lacking the time they want for bigger-picture strategic thinking. Propelling a business forward means making time to plan out these big moves and carefully structuring your days to give you the most opportunity to move ahead. At the same time, getting out […]
Read MoreIs CEO Work-Life Balance Possible?

Obtaining the title of CEO is an incredible achievement in any person’s career. However, it can often come with additional stress and decreased time for personal activities. Finding the right work-life balance as a CEO is something many people search for. Do CEOs have a work-life balance, or is CEO work-life balance a myth? We are […]
Read MoreHow to Be An Effective Leader When Morale is Low

The link between leadership and morale is not a new concept. It’s as ancient as war and just as critical for success in the workplace as it was on the battlefield. In the same way that good generals could rally troops, so too can CEOs and managers learn the skills necessary to keep their employees […]
Read MoreHow Do You Develop a Leadership Mindset?

To become a leader, having the right mindset is key. The right frame of mind allows you to accept and process a range of information and diverse situations. How a person reacts to information they receive and circumstances they encounter is all determined by their mindset. There are many benefits of having a leadership mindset […]
Read MoreGuide to Strategic Planning in Business

When you want to go somewhere for the first time, you use a map to help you find your destination. A successful journey starts with a clear idea of where you’re going and how you intend to get there. The same idea applies to strategic planning in business. Both executives and emerging leaders can help move […]
Read MoreWhat Is the Meaning of Radical Candor?

Instilling a culture that embraces the power of open communication is a lofty goal for any executive leader — your leadership abilities hinge on your desire to communicate your expectations, processes and goals effectively. To help guide your company culture in the right direction, consider implementing a new framework for professional communications known as radical […]
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