What is a strategic plan? 

A strategic plan is a high-level document that outlines an organization’s long-term vision, goals, objectives, and strategies to achieve those goals. It is a comprehensive roadmap that guides an organization in making decisions and allocating resources to achieve its desired outcomes. 

A well-designed strategic plan provides a clear direction for an organization and helps to ensure that all stakeholders are working towards a common goal. It also allows for better decision-making by providing a framework for prioritizing initiatives and allocating resources effectively. 

Measuring results 

Measuring the results of your strategic plan is crucial for assessing your organization’s progress towards its goals and objectives. It provides valuable insights that enable you to make data-driven decisions and take corrective actions if necessary. Measuring the results of a strategic plan involves evaluating the performance of the organization against the goals and objectives set out in the plan. 

6 Steps to Measure Your Strategic Plan

  1. Define your key performance indicators (KPIs): KPIs are metrics that help you measure progress towards your goals. They should be specific, measurable, and aligned with your strategic objectives. These could be financial metrics such as revenue growth, profit margin, or customer acquisition cost, or non-financial metrics such as customer satisfaction, employee engagement, or market share. Examples of KPIs include revenue growth, profit margin, customer acquisition cost, customer retention rate, employee turnover rate, and market share. 
  2. Set targets for each KPI: Establish realistic and achievable targets for each KPI based on historical data and industry benchmarks. This will help you measure progress and assess whether you are on track to achieve your goals. 
  3. Collect data: Collect data on your KPIs regularly, using a combination of internal data sources (such as financial reports, customer surveys, or employee feedback) and external sources (such as industry reports or competitor analysis). 
  4. Analyze the data: Analyze the data to identify trends, patterns, and areas of improvement. Use this analysis to adjust your strategic plan if necessary. 
  5. Communicate the results: Communicate the results of your KPIs to stakeholders, such as employees, investors, and customers. Use this communication to celebrate successes and highlight areas where improvements can be made. 
  6. Continuously improve: Use the data and analysis to continuously improve your strategic plan. Identify areas where you can optimize performance, adjust targets, or shift resources to achieve better outcomes. 

KPIs to include in your strategic plan 

When creating a strategic plan, it is essential to define key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the progress towards achieving your goals and objectives. KPIs should be specific, measurable, and aligned with your strategic objectives. Here are some KPIs to consider including in your strategic plan: 

  • Financial KPIs: Revenue growth, profit margin, return on investment (ROI), gross margin, net profit, cash flow, cost of goods sold (COGS), and average revenue per customer (ARPC). 
  • Customer KPIs: Customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer lifetime value (CLV), customer retention rate, customer satisfaction score (CSAT), net promoter score (NPS), and customer loyalty. 
  • Operational KPIs: Inventory turnover, cycle time, defect rate, on-time delivery, employee productivity, and efficiency.
  • Marketing KPIs: Website traffic, conversion rate, click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), search engine optimization (SEO), and social media engagement. 
  • Employee KPIs: Employee turnover rate, employee satisfaction, training hours, and absenteeism rate. 
  • Environmental KPIs: Carbon footprint, energy consumption, water usage, waste reduction, and sustainability initiatives.

When selecting KPIs for your strategic plan, it’s important to consider which metrics are most relevant to your organization’s goals and objectives. KPIs should be monitored regularly to track progress towards achieving your goals and inform decisions about resource allocation, strategy, and tactics. By selecting the right KPIs and monitoring them closely, you can ensure that your strategic plan is successful and your organization is on track to achieve its objectives. 


By following these steps, you can effectively measure the results of your strategic plan and make data-driven decisions to drive growth and success for your organization. 

By following these steps, you can effectively measure the results of your strategic plan and make data-driven decisions to drive growth and success for your organization. Measuring the results of your strategic plan is essential for assessing your organization’s progress and making informed decisions. By defining your KPIs, setting targets, collecting data, analyzing results, communicating outcomes, and continuously improving, you can achieve your goals and ensure that your strategic plan is a success. 

At Dame Leadership, we offer Strategic Planning Services. Contact us today at 717-524-4265 to help you create a vision and strategy for your organization so you can move forward with purpose.