In today’s ever-changing world, leadership has also evolved, from command and control to being a collaborative environment. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a tremendous change in demographics and work culture, resulting in the emergence of Leadership 3.0.
To become a purposeful leader in Leadership 3.0, one needs to possess specific characteristics. According to a survey conducted by Gallup, there are four essential characteristics of a purposeful leader.
4 Essential Characteristics of a Purposeful Leader
1. Trust
First and foremost, leaders need to be able to develop trust among their employees. Trust is visceral, and employees need to feel that their leader has their back and will not do anything that may harm them. Trust is an essential component of building a healthy and productive relationship between the leader and the employees.
2. Compassion
The second characteristic of a purposeful leader is compassion. Leaders need to understand that employees have lives outside of work, and it is crucial to recognize their needs and issues. Employees appreciate compassionate leaders who understand the challenges they face, be it related to their families, personal matters, or work-related challenges.
3. Stability
Stability is the third characteristic of a purposeful leader. Employees look for stability in their leaders. They want to feel that their leaders have a steady hand on the tiller and are not going to implement something new every day. Leaders who can provide stability in the workplace create an environment of trust and security.
4. Hope
Finally, the fourth characteristic of a purposeful leader is to offer hope. Employees want to feel that tomorrow will be better than today. Leaders who can provide hope and create a vision for the future inspire their employees to come to work and make a difference.
In conclusion, becoming a purposeful leader requires developing trust, showing compassion, providing stability, and offering hope to employees. As the world continues to evolve, leaders who possess these characteristics will be better equipped to lead their teams to success. By adopting these characteristics and changing the way they show up, leaders can make a tremendous difference in the lives of their employees and the success of their organizations.